Τhe communal organization of the New Hellenism during the 19th century

The historical significance of the preserved traditional settlement of Xanthi is also demonstrated by its role as evidence of a fully structured environment of communal organization of the New Hellenism during the 19th century, when the Ottoman Empire was attempting to modernize itself. A number of buildings that are preserved and still in use today document the intense activity of the Greek community and the special role of benefactors. The Matsinis Boy School, the Girls’ School, the Kindergarten of Panagiotis and Fotini Stalios, and the building of the Greek Club, which now functions as the House of Culture of the (Progressive Union of Xanthi, are some of the most characteristic buildings of that period.
In the picture, a postal card with a panoramic view of Xanthi. In the red frame, the building of the Greek Community Club.

Source: probably Volidis Athanasios (1920)
Creator: Manolis S. Choumas’ private collection