Konstaninoupoleos Street – The street with the tobacco stores and the khans

Towards the end of the 19th century Xanthi began to expand beyond the boundaries of  its traditional settlement. The growth led to the development of new neighborhoods surrounding the tobacco buildings that were constructed on the southern side of the town. Additionally, a new shopping center is being developed in the wider area which is located to the south of the central square. During that period an important commercial road was Istanbul Street (Istanbul Caddesi). The stoned street which can be seen in the photo, started from the central square. It extended to the tobacco warehouses area and included various retail stores, such as textile stores, tailor shops, tobacco business offices, as well as khans (inns) and hotels of superior quality. The photo dates to one of the periods of Bulgarian occupation of the city.

Creator: unknown (1915)
Source: Manolis Chouras private collection